The Theory of Our Universe? (Part 2)

The Theory of Our Universe? (Part 2)

The theory of relativity

There are 2 theories of relativity, general relativity and special relativity. General relativity basically said that the observed gravitational effect between masses results from their warping/deforming of spacetime. The greater the mass of an object, the more it will warp spacetime. To understand this, we have to see the visual explanation. Let's assume it in 2 dimensional projection. Disclaimer: not on a real scale, simulation purpose only. Good meme though, lol.

Now, let's see what it has to do with gravity. Disclaimer: not on a real scale, simulation purpose only.

And let's simulate it in a 3d model. Disclaimer: not on a real scale, simulation purpose only.

If you would like to watch the experiment on this topic, you can see it on Youtube:
What about special relativity? Special relativity is a theory of the structure of spacetime. It is based on 2 postulates: the laws of physics are the same for the observers and the speed of light in the vacuum are constant. Let's jump directly to time dilation. Time dilation is part of special relativity theory. An object that moves faster than the observer experiences time differently than the observer. But how? According to relativity theory, light travels at a constant speed, so it will need much more range for it to move when the object is also moving. Let's see the demonstration.

If the object is stationary

If the object is moving

The twin paradox, what is the twin paradox? Imagine that you have a twin brother. He is going on a space mission with a rocket that has a light speed. When he left you on earth, you both are 20 years old. He then comes back 30 years later and you are already 50 years old but surprisingly he does not age like you, he is even as old as he is when he left the earth, 20 years old. When at light speed, an object does not move through time, they only move through the space. If the speed is slower, the object is moving both in space and time.

We are living in a 4d space. As we know about dimensions, 2d does not have any space, it is just flat, like paper. In 3d, we have and that makes the object has „room“ inside it. What about 4d? Well, our 4th dimension is time. Take an example when you make an appointment for your dentist. The place is of course exact, the dentist‘s praxis, but the time of your appointment is the point. If you are coming not at the right time, it will be useless, right? But unfortunately, unlike space, time can not go backwards, or is it? We do not know, but is it possible? We do not know yet. But all we know is that it can be warped by gravity, or stretch, just like in ttime dilation theory.
Imagine that your stickmen drawing on paper are alive and they are living in 2-dimensional What will you see if they create a box and hide something inside it? You will see through it and you will be able to see what is hidden there because you are 3-dimensional. However, another 2-dimensional will not be able to see it because they are 2-dimensional. All that they can see is 2 dimensional, for example the box and the other stickman in there. Other than that, they can not see you because they simple do not see 3 dimension. Take a look at the illustration.
What about a 4-dimensional. Well, if they are exist, simply they will see us like we see the 2-dimensional being. Also, we can not really tell if the 4 dimensional beings are exist or not because we just can not see them just like the 2 dimensional beings can not see us. So basically we do not really know certainly about things in our world. What if there is the one who controlling us, what if it is very near but we just can not see or feel them. What if this is the explanation of supernatural event? Or it is controlling us? What about Elon Musk's quote that we might be living in a simulation? Is this the scientific theory of the existence of God? To be continued.... (to part 3)


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