
Showing posts with the label theory

The Middle Class Squeeze: An Inherent Flaw of Capitalism

The Middle Class Squeeze: An Inherent Flaw of Capitalism Introduction: The middle class, typically consisting of individuals and families who are neither extremely wealthy nor in poverty, often finds themselves caught between the top earners and the economically disadvantaged. They aspire to enjoy a certain level of financial stability, but various factors contribute to their struggles. For example, expensive education, healthcare, etc. The people in this category is in the flaw of our economic system. There is no universal definition of middle class. This category is often referred to earn too much to qualify for government assistance but still struggle to afford essential services like education and healthcare. The middle class squeeze, an alarming consequence of capitalist systems, is a glaring indicator of the inherent flaws within such economic models. As the gap between the wealthy elite and the middle class widens, this paper aims to shed light on the detrimental effects of capi

The Silver and Wooden Spoon: The World isn't Fair

The Silver and Wooden Spoon: The World isn't Fair Chapter 1 Philosophy is a discipline that seeks to understand the fundamental questions about life, knowledge, existence, morality, and the nature of reality. It explores deep and abstract ideas, using critical thinking and logical reasoning to examine our beliefs and assumptions about the world. Philosophy tackles questions that often have no easy answers and delves into topics that touch upon the human experience and our place in the universe. At its core, philosophy is like a toolbox of intellectual tools that helps us think more deeply and critically about the world around us. It encourages us to ask questions and challenge conventional wisdom. Philosophy invites us to ponder abstract concepts such as truth, justice, beauty, and the meaning of life. It pushes us to explore different perspectives and consider diverse viewpoints, broadening our understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit. Engaging with philosophy can be

The Connection between Physics, Beliefs, & Philosophy (Part 3)

 The Connection between Physics, Beliefs, & Philosophy (Part 3) Are we even real? Are we exist? How will we going to figure it out? Is this universe only a simulation? Those are the philosophical question that we might be often heard. But have you ever think about it? Basically us human, never figure this out, but why? Well, because we trapped in this world. When we were born, we have no idea about anything and when we die we can not tell anybody about how is it feel, sense, and how is the experience of dead itself. Furthermore, the dead people can not tell anybody about afterlife. So, we basically have no idea about it at all. "What if we are living in a simulation?" This is one of infinite amount of theory about our life. Try to look at the advancement of technology. From that we learn that it is advancing very fast. It is not advancing constantly but exponentially.  Technology will advance faster and faster than ever before. Now let's look at the computer technolog

The Theory of Our Universe? (Part 2)

The Theory of Our Universe? (Part 2) The theory of relativity There are 2 theories of relativity, general relativity and special relativity. General relativity basically said that the observed gravitational effect between masses results from their warping/deforming of spacetime. The greater the mass of an object, the more it will warp spacetime. To understand this, we have to see the visual explanation. Let's assume it in 2 dimensional projection. Disclaimer: not on a real scale, simulation purpose only. Good meme though, lol. Now, let's see what it has to do with gravity. Disclaimer: not on a real scale, simulation purpose only. And let's simulate it in a 3d model. Disclaimer: not on a real scale, simulation purpose only. If you would like to watch the experiment on this topic, you can see it on Youtube: What about special relativity? Special relativity is a theory of the structure of spacetime. It is based on 2 postulates: the laws of physics

Space Exploration: The New Level of Human Era !? (Part 1)

Space Exploration: The New Level of Human Era !? (Part 1) The space, infinite amount of stars, infinite lightyears of the void, infinite possibility. What is humanity really know about space? A lot? pretty wide? Actually, not really. Human does not really know much about space. The farthest distance human between our home, the earth, is 400.171 km away. It has been reached during Apollo 13 mission when humans visited the moon. The farthest human-made object just got out of our solar system to the interstellar space in 2012. 23 billion kilometers, The Voyager 1. But how is that distance compared to the entire space? The answer is nothing. Nobody knows exactly how big is space, but only the assumption of how big it is. It is nothing compared to that distance. The closest star to our solar system is Proxima-Centaury, 4 lightyears away. It will take almost forever for humans in this era to even reach that. However, we can still observe the far-away space object, even from earth. In this mo