The Silver and Wooden Spoon: The World isn't Fair

The Silver and Wooden Spoon: The World isn't Fair

Chapter 1
Philosophy is a discipline that seeks to understand the fundamental questions about life, knowledge, existence, morality, and the nature of reality. It explores deep and abstract ideas, using critical thinking and logical reasoning to examine our beliefs and assumptions about the world. Philosophy tackles questions that often have no easy answers and delves into topics that touch upon the human experience and our place in the universe.

At its core, philosophy is like a toolbox of intellectual tools that helps us think more deeply and critically about the world around us. It encourages us to ask questions and challenge conventional wisdom. Philosophy invites us to ponder abstract concepts such as truth, justice, beauty, and the meaning of life. It pushes us to explore different perspectives and consider diverse viewpoints, broadening our understanding of ourselves and the world we inhabit.

Engaging with philosophy can be a transformative journey of self-reflection and intellectual exploration. It helps us develop skills in analysis, reasoning, and argumentation, enabling us to approach complex problems with clarity and open-mindedness. Philosophy encourages us to think critically, examine our values and beliefs, and make informed decisions about how we live our lives. By grappling with philosophical ideas, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, society, and the intricate workings of the world, fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity that can enrich our lives.

The silver and wooden spoon has its own philosophy about the world. The silver spoon refers to the people that are born with wealth and privileges. In other words, these are the people that has been provided with significant advantages and opportunities since the early age. For example, people that are born from rich, educated,  and or advanced-country like Europe and USA family. Meanwhile, the wooden spoon is the opposite of it, people that are born from poor, uneducated, or even a third-world country family.

The wooden spoon for sure will lose in almost every aspect in life to the silver spoon, because of the disadvantages that they have. We take a quick example in sports, which country that got the most medal in the olympics? Yep, USA. Why do athletes from third world country with as much people as USA can not do the same, instead they end up in the end of the rank? Well, in my opinion, it is all about the facility that the athletes are getting. The third-world country have less money than the USA to build such an advance infrastructure and all. The government facilitate the athletes. In my country, the difference is huge with the country such as Germany or England or USA. Other than that, it is also have something to do with the currency advantages that always haunt the third-world country. Imagine how would everything changed if everyone have the equal privileges and opportunity.

Chapter 2
Being born from the family that is well educated and wealthy is pure luck. We can not choose about being born from which family and that is why the whole thing suck. If you are born from the wealthy and educated family, be grateful with what you have. People will kill for your position right now. There are so many advantages from being born from silver spoon family and there are reason that people that are rich stay rich for long.

First, the facility that silver spoon are getting. Their family will be able to facilitate their kids to chase anything that they want, whether carreer or hobby or school. They can pretty much be everything they want without worrying about money. Take an example with being a doctor. The med school is pretty expensive and often only rich people can get in. Indeed poor people can get their education paid from scholarship, however scholarship only target the low class in the society and there are strict rule about it too. The middle to lower class are forgotten in the system, we will back at this problem later.

Second, the environment that the silver spoon are getting is DIFFERENT. Their surrounding is often filled with supportive parents, intellectuals, other rich people, etc and for sure that value of life they are getting from it is far better than the wooden spoon. Our mindset depends on what value we got with what we were growing up with. The value that the kids from private school getting is for sure way better than the value that the kid from public school getting. Other than that, connection play such a massive role in success of life. Because the silver spoon already have so much of a good connection with other wealthy and educated people, it is easier for them to be successful in life.

For example, from my personal experience, my friends that are went to private school tend to have more connections with important people, have more knowledge, and have better thoughts and ideas than my friend that went to public school with me. But lucky me, I have an educated parents, that have good connection to the intellectuals. Furthermore, when I ran a little experiment with my friends about world history, my friends that went to expensive and good private school have WAY MORE knowledge. I tried an experiment with showing them pictures of the world leaders in history. From tens of the pictures, my friend that went to public school with me are having less knowledge and it is SIGNIFICANT than my friends that went to private school. Other than that, there is one thing that I notice when talking with them and that is the topic of the conversation. Most of my friends that went to private school usually talk about philosophy, politics, history, how is this country will be better, and many other good topics. Meanwhile, when I hang out with my friends from public schools, they only talks about girls or boys, gaming, messing around, etc. When I am trying to have a conversation about the more advance things, they become bored and sometimes simply do not understand.

Being born in a bad surrounding is unfortunate. Children learn from their surroundings and will try to imitate what people in their surroundings are doing. Bad economics surrounding often connected with criminals activity and misbehaved people. This often leads to a bad mindset to the children because of seeing much of such a thing. This is the reason that the people that live in poverty stay poor even to the next generations. With poor mindset comes poverty. I am sure that you read a book "Rich dad and Poor dad", this is the situation that I am talking about.

Othef than that, there is a thing that I called middle class paradox. Middle class is often forgotten by the system. For example, in education it is impossible to get a scholarship for the middle class but it is also impossible for them to pay for it. The middle class income can not cover the cost of such an expensive education. This has become a paradox and many are actually failing to get a proper education to be what they wanted to be.

A question pops in my mind, why can not we simply just be rich? Well, it is not that easy if you are poor. The fastest way to your million dollars jouney is getting into a business. By selling things or offering services, it can be way faster to be rich than working for someone. However, business needs funding and that is the hardest part for the poor people that have no money in the first place. It is certainly will be easier to grow a business with good funding and that is the secret to being rich by rich people. From many poor businesspeople how many that become rich? And from many rich one how many that become even richer and richer? Think about it.

It is explained simply in the stock market investing. If you have only 1000 dollars and the return that you are getting is 10%, you will only get 100 dollars from your investment. What if you have 1 millions? 10% will be getting 100.000 dollars return. From that we can conclude that you need money to make money.

Chapter 3
Well from all of the points above, I often think it is not fair, right? Well of course it is not fair, that how life is. But can we make the situation better, so that the wooden spoon also have the same opportunity to compete in life without so much struggle from their life? Believe me, with wealth comes an easier life. Think about it this way, imagine there is a running competition of life that has a finish line of being successful. Everyone that has born with the silver spoon privileges have a headstart than people without the privileges. The headstart based on their parents' wealth, education, environment, etc and if the privilege is bigger then the headstart will be further. From a simple logic, who will have a bigger chance to win? For sure there will be an exception if a person born in a rich family become spoiled or anything similar, but that is the factor of environment that fails to teach the kid how to "utilize" their privileges. That is why environment is one of the key element in this race.

Now, my question is, can we make it more fair for everybody? Well, yes, at least a little. The enemy of capitalism, which is socialism. However, I do not agree with all of its concept, only some of it. I call it the modificated version of socialism.

Socialism is an economic and political ideology that advocates for the collective ownership and democratic control of the means of production, distribution, and exchange. In a socialist system, the means of production, such as factories, land, and resources, are owned and controlled by the community as a whole or by the state on behalf of the people.

The primary goal of socialism is to establish a more equitable society by reducing or eliminating social and economic inequalities. This is often pursued through the redistribution of wealth and resources, as well as the provision of public services and social welfare programs. Socialist ideologies emphasize the importance of social cooperation, solidarity, and the well-being of all individuals, rather than private profit or the interests of a few.

There are various forms of socialism, ranging from democratic socialism, which advocates for achieving socialist goals through democratic means, to more centrally planned models where the state plays a dominant role in economic planning and resource allocation. Socialism can coexist with different political systems, such as representative democracy or authoritarianism, depending on the specific context and interpretation of the ideology.

I love how it is sided with the people, but I do not agree with the idea of the socialist government. If the government at the time is good, then it is no problem. If it is not, it will be a huge disaster. Small group of people in the government ended up controlling everything. If that happens, then there is no different between socialism and capitalism. For example, that is what happen to Soviet Union. The oligarchs ended up controlling the most of the resources and make themselves super rich and their people are suffering.

In order for the system to work, the morale of the society have to be better than ever. The urge to help others, doing everything for the sake of the community, everything is based not on money or anything "lusty" but rather to help others. I believe that the best person in the world is the one who is being the most beneficial and helpful to others. Humanity is the key. If the society in general is already good, then I believe the government will also be good, because the leader is the reflection of their people. For a country, there are a lot to be changed. For example, the tax system. It is very obvious that they are made for the capitalist. Tax should be used to equalify the society and not ended up robbing the low-classes. The tax should have be more productive rather than consumptive.

Chapter 4
The key to the success of this ideology is morale. People behaviour are depending to their morale, whether they are good or bad. Lack of morale can have a destructive impact not only for themself but also for others. Morale is the based of people life's goal, purpose, and principal. It is the root of everything in a person.

For the entire history of human being, religion always teach us about morale. I believe that religion is the strongest key to the good morale in a society. Religion taught us how to behave, what is appropriate or not, the purpose of life, etc. The main purpose of the religion is to fix and "perfecting" the morale of human that is what the prophet said.

However, still there are a lot of people denying that. People said that religion is the one that breaks people apart. In my perspective, it is not. Religion is the one that unite people together. Religion taught us to love, peace, how to behave. God tell us there is no difference between people no matter what color their skin, how rich or poor, how pretty or ugly, how powerful they are, everybody is the same. The only thing that differentiates them is their faith to God.

Now, what can we do to make world a better place? Fix our morale and then world will be a better place. Start from a simple action to increase the social sense in ourself, such as helping others, volunteering in a local shelters, helping to clean the environment, volunteering to teach kids. From that small action, if everyone does it, the world will be a better place. Peace.


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